The SeRP Security 3 portal is accessed via

1. Log in to the Monash VPN using your Monash authcate and password

Open the CISCO AnyConnect application, then click Connect

2. Login with your Monash username, not your email address.

Your username will be in a format like jsmith, jsmi0001 or ext-jsmith.

okta screen grab

3. You’ll be prompted to authenticate using MFA. Select either Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 1: Enter verification code from your Okta App, then click OK.
Option 2: Approve push notification on your Okta App.

4. Click Accept to complete your login to the VPN

5. Open a web browser (e.g Chrome, Safari) and navigate to:

6. Enter your Monash ID and password when prompted

Once the login is successful, you can see all your projects and datasets.